Thursday, September 25, 2008


Time is something strange, just like electricity: Use it when you have it, because you can not store it and use it later. So, enjoy every minute you have, whatever you are doing and do not waste time.... So, on tuesday I finished the top of my mystery quilt.....and you have to wait for a picture till next still is a secret! I love this quilt, I think it is really me.
And when you are busy new ideas are coming...a nice bag...a playhouse....but there is a lot to finish. It is time to get really organised...and that means: cleaning up at the end of the day, so you can start easy the next time!
Somewhere I read that happy people have less difficulties with making choices. So be happy: you have a quicker start with a new quiltproject, because it does not take hours to choose your fabrics. And a lot of practice will also help....start many new projects to develop these skills.

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