Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A lot of ideas

Starting with something new like a weblog creates other new ideas....and I think that it is better to stop with sleeping. It looks like such a waste of time, but you know what a lack of sleep means: you have a lot of unsewing to do! So, I try to sleep well and have dreams about quilts, weblogs, pictures and fabrics.
Today I cut from all those lovely fabrics a piece of 30 cm. It was very busy in the shop so I didn't have time to enjoy them, but now they are on my table and I can have a look at them. A busy day with all those enthousiastic visitors gives you a lot of energy. It is wonderful to talk about fabrics, colours and patterns. To chose with the customers fabrics for their new projects and have a smile for them when they are dreaming about quilts to come....
Since june we have also the "quiltcafé" (only tea and coffee), a lot of talking and sewing during the day and it was fun to have a young girl, Anne, as well at the café with her mother. I liked to see how she was busy with her project, trying different possibilities and saving all the pictures on her mothers cell phone to make a good choice afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. Hallo Françoise,

    Wat leuk om weer een berichtje te zien. Doet me denken aan het gesprekje van gisteren over het belang van een vaste blogtijd ;>) Het enthousiasme straalt gewoon van je blog af. Ik kan haast niet wachten op de nieuwe attracties!

    Anne loopt natuurlijk naast haar schoenen nu haar naam genoemd wordt op internet! Haar laatste legpuzzeltje wordt het definitieve ontwerp van het Coco-quiltje. Ze heeft het al gehad over nog meer cafébezoeken gehad en haar moeder hoeft echt niet altijd mee!
